

• Oregon Budget • Media
• Oregon Taxes • Miscellaneous
• Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) • Health Care Reform
• Oregon Politics • 2nd Amendment / Concealed Handgun License (CHL)
• Politics • Pro-Life


Note: [OC] hyperlinks denote the version of the article that ran in Oregon Catalyst – which often contains more hyperlinks to the sources of the information used in the article.


Rapid growth of Oregon budget continues – Oregon Catalyst (Apr 2016)

2015-17 Oregon budget is out: Spending is up! – Oregon Catalyst (Jul 2015)

Why is it so hard to fund K-12 education in Oregon? – Statesman Journal (Apr 2015) [OC]

It’s time to properly fund K-12 education in Oregon – Statesman Journal (Mar 2015) [OC]

The ever-elusive K-12 school funding in Oregon – Oregon Catalyst (Jan 2015)

What should Oregon fund by exploiting addictions? – Statesman Journal (Nov 2014) [OC]

How to fix Polk County’s budget – Statesman Journal (Apr 2014) [OC]

2011-13 state revenue forecast ends on a high note – Oregon Catalyst (May 2013)

Oregon smoking ban has unintended consequences for state lottery revenues – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Dec 2012) [OC]

Budget reserve protects Oregon against revenue forecast swings – Oregon Catalyst (Nov 2012)

Call for a state budget “Core Fund” (Three articles)

A way to stabilize Oregon school funding: Reform PERS, fund K-12 first – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (May 2012) [OC]
Stop using Oregon schools as state budget hostages – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Jun 2012) [OC]
Oregon doesn’t need another rainy-day fund – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Aug 2012) [OC]

Talking about public unions & revenue forecast on The Bill Post Radio Show – KYKN/KUIK (Nov 2011)

Public unions looking dumber and dumber – Oregon Catalyst (Nov 2011)

Public unions eating crow on revenue forecast – Oregon Catalyst (Aug 2011)

Fact checking the Oregon $3 billion budget dip – Oregon Catalyst (Jul 2011)

Oregon Budget 101 – videos

Oregon Budget 101 – Pt 1: Overview and Growth – Cascade Policy Institute (Apr 2011)
Oregon Budget 101 – Pt 2: State Spending – Cascade Policy Institute (Apr 2011)
Oregon Budget 101 – Pt 3: Other Funds – Cascade Policy Institute (May 2011)

Kitzhaber: Let’s keep the kicker & we need another rainy day fund! – Oregon Catalyst (Apr 2011)

Speaking on the Oregon Budget at Clackamas AFP meeting (Mar 2011)

$3.5 billion budget shortfall goes missing – authorities are baffled – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2011)

Oregonian does shoddy work fact checking governor’s budget – schools will suffer – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2011)

Governor’s proposed budget raids K-12 school funds to grow DHS again – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2011)

PolitiFact Oregon rating of “Mostly False” from Feb 2011: We give him credit for getting his numbers correct. But the direct line cause and effect just isn’t there. To say that the governor is ‘raiding’ schools to fund human services contains just an element of truth — K-12 going down, DHS going up — and ignores critical facts that would give a different impression.”

The looming Oregon budget crisis – Oregon Catalyst (Aug 2010)

Oregon state government needs to reign in its spending – Beaverton Valley Times Op-ed (Jul 2010)

Oregon’s dirty little budget secret hurts schools – Beaverton Valley Times Op-ed (Jun 2010)

Looking at budget games the Legislature plays – Oregon Catalyst (Jun 2010)



‘Gas-guzzling’ PERS drains effectiveness of tax dollars – Statesman Journal (Dec 2014) [OC]

Call for more PERS transparency – Oregon Catalyst (Sep 2014)

Decrypting PERS employer contribution rates – Oregon Catalyst (Aug 2014)

PERS not fully fixed by reform – Statesman Journal (Dec 2013) [OC]

PERS: There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes – Oregon Catalyst (Sep 2013)

Tax hikes to get PERS reform is no bargain – Oregon Catalyst (Aug 2013)

Oregon Democrats have a PERS dilemma – Statesman Journal (Aug 2013) [OC]

Who’s going to pay for all this? Oregon’s aging population sticks younger workers with the bill – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Mar 2013) [OC]

Oregon PERS Crisis 101

Oregon’s PERS Crisis – Part 1 – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Oct 2012) [OC]
Oregon’s PERS Crisis – Part 2 – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Oct 2012) [OC]
Oregon’s PERS Crisis – Part 3 – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Oct 2012) [OC]

Talking about the impact of the PERS crisis on K-12 on The Bill Post Radio Show – KYKN (Oct 2012)

Talking about 1996 OR Supreme Court PERS ruling on The Bill Post Radio Show – KYKN/KUIK (Dec 2011)

Oregon’s supreme pigs at the trough – Oregon Catalyst (Dec 2011)


Return of Matt Wingard is the ‘shock of the day’ – Statesman Journal/USA Today (Mar 2016)

Dark underbelly of Oregon revenue forecast – Oregon Catalyst (Dec 2015)

State police report supports Kitzhaber whistleblower – Statesman Journal (Nov 2015) [OC]

Can Kate Brown overcome her partisan tendencies? – Statesman Journal (Sep 2015) [OC]

Early look at Oregon’s 2016 elections – Oregon Catalyst (Aug 2015)

Oregon voters still leaving Dem and GOP parties – Oregon Catalyst (Jun 2015)

Stop politically motivated retribution against whistleblower – Statesman Journal (Jun 2015) [OC]

What the Legislature’s Democratic majority must do – Statesman Journal (May 2015) [OC]

Gov. Kate Brown’s first major mistake – Statesman Journal (Mar 2015) [OC]

Scandal has come to Oregon – Statesman Journal (Mar 2015) [OC]

Oregon’s checks and balances aren’t working – Statesman Journal (Feb 2015) [OC]

The ‘big lie’ about unemployment in Oregon – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2015)

The toxic legacy of Neil Goldschmidt lives on – Statesman Journal (Jan 2015) [OC]

What should the legislative session focus on? – Statesman Journal (Jan 2015) [OC]

Dems further tighten stranglehold on Oregon – Oregon Catalyst (Dec 2014)

Protect legislative interns and other Capitol workers – Statesman Journal (Nov 2014) [OC]

Six million-dollar Oregon House races – Oregon Catalyst (Nov 2014)

Why credit Kitzhaber as ‘bipartisan’ in 1-party state? – Statesman Journal (Oct 2014) [OC]

Remembering Vic Atiyeh – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Jul 2014)

Largest growth in Oregon voters: independents – Oregon Catalyst (May 2014)

Oregon Democrats’ arrogant abuses of power – Statesman Journal (Mar 2014) [OC]

Democrats’ votes reflect money interests – Statesman Journal (Oct 2013) [OC]

Oregon GOP is no roadblock – Statesman Journal (Oct 2013) [OC]

Dems tighten stranglehold on Oregon – Oregon Catalyst (Nov 2012)

Statewide voter registration improves for Republicans – Oregon Catalyst (Oct 2012)

Are we Republicans applying a double standard in Matt Wingard case? – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (Jul 2012) [OC]

Oregon: a welfare state – Oregon Catalyst (May 2012)

Oregon CD-1 Special Election wrap up – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2012)

The gall and hypocrisy of Win McCormack – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2012)

Suzanne Bonamici’s role in the conspiracy of silence to protect David Wu – Oregon Catalyst (3-part series-Jan 2012)

Part 1 – The troubled history of David Wu
Part 2 – Oregon Democrats’ conspiracy of silence culture that protected Wu
Part 3 – Suzanne Bonamici’s role in the conspiracy of silence to protect Wu

CD-1 GOP special election primary at a glance – Oregon Catalyst (Oct 2011)

Kitzhaber sells out taxpayers to pay off union backers – Oregon Catalyst (Jul 2011)

Massive DHS growth a boon to SEIU & Dems – Oregon Catalyst (Jun 2011)

Talking about Redistricting on The Bill Post Radio Show – KYKN/KUIK (May 2011)

Dem’s Redistricting designed to give them majority in the House – Oregon Catalyst (May 2011)

A look back at Redistricting 10 years ago with Bruce McCain – Oregon Catalyst (May 2011)

OEA scrambles to cover their tracks – Oregon Catalyst (Apr 2011)

Who will fill Wu’s shoes? – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2011)

House Democrats have a chance to demonstrate independence and backbone – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2011)

Who has controlled Oregon government for the last two decades? – Oregon Catalyst (Jan 2011)

2010 campaign for Oregon state representative in House District 27

Speaking at the 2010 Beaverton Fall Voters’ Forum (Oct 2010)
Interview with Willamette Week (Oct 2010)
Sec of State’s Voter’s Pamphlet for the Nov 2 General Election (Oct 2010)
Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce endorsement of Dan Lucas (Sep 2010)



Media bias fuels national polarization – Statesman Journal/USA Today (Jan 2016) [OC]


Drugs, Alcohol, Drug Policy
Foreign & Defense
Legal & Judicial
Religion, Family and Marriage
The Lighter Side – Oregon Catalyst April Fool’s Day Specials



Gov. Kate Brown using deceptive gun death numbers – Oregon Catalyst (Jul 2016)

OSP has changed its firearm background check retention policy – Oregon Catalyst (Dec 2015)

Disappointing media coverage of UCC tragedy – Statesman Journal (Oct 2015) [OC]

Ignorant, misleading gun control reporting by Washington Post – Oregon Catalyst (Oct 2015)

Tragedies underscore misguided gun control efforts – Statesman Journal/USA Today (Jul 2015) [OC]

Bad anti-gun ‘lock up’ bill: No real problem or even factual basis – Oregon Catalyst (Jul 2015)

Growth of concealed carry accompanies drop in crime – Oregon Catalyst (Dec 2014)

Reynolds High School tragedy: more laws are not the answer – Oregon Catalyst (Jun 2014)

Are Oregon firearms background check records purged after 10 days? No – Oregon Catalyst (Mar 2014)

Gun control proposals are part of a grander scheme – Statesman Journal (Mar 2014) [OC]

Records retention of Oregon firearms background checks – Oregon Catalyst (Feb 2014)

Colorado recalls: voter polling that matters – Oregon Catalyst (Jan 2014)

Expanding gun background checks – Statesman Journal (Jan 2014) [OC]

Clackamas Town Center shooting: Report offers chilling glimpse inside a ‘monster’ – OregonLive/Forest Grove Leader (May 2013) [OC]

The problem with gun violence – OregonLive/Hillsboro Argus (May 2013) [OC]

Sen. Prozanski’s witch hunt against CHL holders – Oregon Catalyst (Apr 2013)

Violence Policy Center data: CHL holders are hyper-law-abiding – Oregon Catalyst (Mar 2013)

Talking about Sen. Prozanski’s bizarre CHL bill on The Bill Post Radio Show – KYKN (Mar 2013)

Sen. Prozanski’s bizarre bill to make it harder to get a CHL – Oregon Catalyst (Mar 2013)

How the Violence Policy Center deceives with numbers – Oregon Catalyst (Jan 2013)

Gun deaths in Oregon – Oregon Catalyst (Dec 2012)

Why does Sen. Burdick work so hard to keep crime victims defenseless? – Oregon Catalyst (Mar 2011)


Am I accountable for the abortions I fund? – Statesman Journal/USA Today (Aug 2015) [OC]